Friday, March 16, 2007

It was playing cards that brought me the idea to buy rabbits. I (Mika) will explain...

While playing a "blackjack" card game, I thought that it would be funny to have bets to make the game more interesting, so of course, because we are animals lovers we had this hey, not so crazy idea to have a "couple of rabbits" as the final prize, lol. So the first that would won 50 games would receive them! The game then became REALLY exciting.

When the games were finished, I was the winner and so Adam and I went that day (Sunday) to the famous oh so plentiful street market to get MY own rabbits! When I saw them I just said: "We won't get only 2 but 4 because they're too nice!" so we've bought one more couple (male and female) so we have 2 couples.

The characters are, Ostara, the grey and white one, named after a germanic spring goddess; she seems a bit of a boss type, confident and strong-willed and she often hangs around with Indiana Jones (or Jones for short), the grey one, who's the most active zooming around like I don't know what and we swear he has the theme tune of said movie going through his head! There's also Monty, the black one, named after Monty Python, he's the most curious one, scouting things out and looking at "things". Then last but not least we have Peppermint, a black and white angora, whereas the others are shorthaired. She's the smallest and also the most affectionate one prefering to eat and be held by someone than adventuring around like the other three.

Now the chicken share their home with those tiny furry balls in the same building although separated by a cosy cage for the rabbits and sometimes we even take them upstairs in the patio so they can practice their jumps, run, stretch properly, and exercise other rabbitness-es . They are proud little happy rabbits and they bring a lot of tender feelings to the house.


shawa_strong_wind said...

They will become bigger, yes?
It´s lovely to see you in your tiny patio with the four furry thingies running about!...;-)

Anonymous said...

Awww those sweet little bunnies. They are gorgeous. :D