Thursday, March 06, 2008

(Image : Shakti G., - My Guardian Angel sends me a feather!...)


This morning I was thinking about how my way to PEACE has changed over the years...
In the Sixties I was a flower child, with kohl around my eyes and multicoloured Afghan dresses (been one of the first ones to hit the streets of my provincial hometown, Geneva, Switzerland, with a blue-and-red Afghan dress and red leather boots, hahahaha!). I had this slogan wrapped around my head "Peace, Now" and would endlessly sit in meetings, and rallies - and even sit on the ground with my buddies, if it was needed. And we would talk, talk, talk. Talk our heads off sometimes it seemed. Did we ever achieve anything ? The question remains open. I don´t think we impacted much on international politics, lol!
I know I changed, though. Progressively through all the years I came down from Cloud Nine, first of all because what with the Afghan dresses and all, dangly Indian earrings, and above all, because of my pretty little self - nobody ever took me seriously enough to actually ask me HOW I would bring about my programme of "Peace, Now"... And thank you Goddess, nobody ever really asked, because at that time it was all a question of FEELING, I couldn´t have told anyone how I meant to bring about Peace, and even peace.
Anyway, at that time, it was the bearded, long-haired cutie pie that I was accompanying (...being the decoration of, shall we say) that was having the lead role in everything. (Had to get to grips with that subject too, lol)
More than thirty five years have passed, 35 years which have mauled my life, have shaped it, sculptured it; I had ample time to swallow, regurgitate, vomit sometimes, and digest, digest, digest. Do my homework.
I´m a wild crone now.
I´m a "woman who runs with wolves" now.
I have "hugged the monster", and made my inner peace with my Animus. (Who wants a war with Aragorn anyway - *wink-wink*)
I´m OK. Now. So.
What about Peace? Mmmmm...?
Well, I´ll give it to you in a nutshell. I have learned that nothing, but NOTHING - changes things so rapidly and neatly as...taking action! Don´t talk about it : do it! Walk your talk.

That´s all. End of advice.

Says the wild crone, looking at the Earth Sanctuary through the window,; the hills roll right down to the Mediterranean. And 108 acres of this mountain are liberated! This is the year 8 of the Third Millennium, I am a Druid now.
(Hey! That´s Year 20 after the Harmonic Convergence of 1987! Darn my bodicious gollywag, we´re getting there! Heehee.)

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