Saturday, March 22, 2008

In honour of the season, here's a poem about Easter/Ostara:
No, Ostara!
Goddess of the spring,
found in the yellow of daffodils,
found in the gambolling of lambs,
found in the youth of spring
but her name was taken for the resurrection of the Lord.
So Easter,
the resurrection of a Jewish godman,
or the new life of a german goddess?
Who cares!
As long as there's the hope for a brighter future.
(Adam Brough)

Our Ostara (our doe rabbit) is also happy because she just had 4 little kits. Each time we check to see if they're all right, we can't help but say: awwwww...!!! So cuuuuuuuuuute!!!
(more pictures to come soon...)

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